We picked up the new Load Rite boat trailer this morning from Mariner's Yacht Sales in Barnegat, NJ. They told me the ball size needed was 2 5/16 on the phone, but when I got there I realized it needed a 2 inch ball. Luckily they shipped one with the trailer. I also thought my truck had a flat five and a seven pin connector, I was wrong. My truck had a straight 4 pin connector and a 7 pin connector. Luckily they had an adapter cable from the 7 pin connector to the five pin that was needed. I can't get the trailer in my driveway yet, because I am waiting for another piece of pipe to be installed in the ditch at the driveways entrance. In the meantime my buddy was nice enough to let me store the trailer at his house, until the new pipe is installed. With any luck the pipe will be installed soon, I will be able to pick up the boat from the boat yard in mid-march, and prepare for the start of the season which begins in April.
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