Cape May Fishing Report May 24-25
Friday afternoon I headed down to Cape May a little early so I could drop off my entry form for the Save the Summer Flounder opening day fishing tournament. Saturday the 24th I headed out of the slip by myself at 6:00 AM heading towards Buoy 19 and Miah Mall. The wind was from the North West and I was heading straight into it. The ride out took almost 2 hours. I fished in between Buoy 19 and the Mall from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM and only caught 2 short flounder and 2 skates. The water temperature was about 59 degrees. The ride in was much smoother, and it only took about 40 minutes to get back to the canal.

On Sunday the 25th Capt. Dave and Chuck headed up towards the Miah Mall they were out of the slip by 7:00 AM. I took it slow and didn’t leave my slip until 10:00AM. The ride out was a lot easier since the wind had died down. Once I got up by Buoy 19 I called Dave on the radio to see where he was and how he was doing. At that point he had quite a few shorts and 1 keeper. I hung out by Buoy 19 for about 40 minutes then Capt. Dave strongly suggested I move up toward where he was because he had just picked up two more nice keepers. I was able to get up there in about 5 minutes but I had missed the party. I ended up with 3 throw backs and three skates. The water had warmed up to about 63 degrees on Sunday.
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