Why, Yes I did go to Cape May this weekend…
I went down Friday afternoon, and came back Saturday afternoon. The thought going down was that Saturday would be a blow out, and it was. They even cancelled the South Jersey Shark tournament on Saturday, they may have made the day up on Sunday but I don’t know. The wind was whipping pretty good on Saturday. If the guys in the shark tournament couldn’t make it out, my little boat did stand a chance.
That’s why the plan was to snake the rest of the wires for the lights, through the radar arch. And that’s exactly what we did. Capt. Randy got a hold of some handy dandy speedometer cable, which was very useful for snaking the wires. To make a long story short we got the rest of the wires run, all the way up to the dash. I still need to connect them to the switches.
Oh, by the way did I mention that I caught a giant shark over the Memorial day weekend. Here’s a photo of that monster.

And did I mention that Andy and crew, of the Island Girl, were in the South Jersey Shark tournament this weekend? Well yes they were, and they caught a Mako Shark that was only 250 pounds heavier then the shark I caught. Andy’s Mako weighed in at 254 lbs, and had them in second place as of Friday. Hopefully they held on over the rest of the weekend. I know the tournament was called on Saturday, don’t know about Sunday. Here’s a photo of the Island Girls big Mako.

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