July 8-9 2006, Flying Bill-Fish Caught.
On Saturday July 8th, we borrowed Capt. Randy’s trolling rods, and Jim and I headed back out to the East Lump again. We were out there by 7:00 AM, and there was a little cloud cover. The surface temperature was around 70.2. When we first got there, there were only about 10 boats all trolling around. A few hours later it was probably up to about 20 boats out there. We trolled around until 11:00 AM and never had a strike.
Then we headed back in towards the FA Buoy. Jim picked up a short fluke there but that was it. We headed back and were back at the marina by 3:00 PM. The ride in was a little refreshing, with a few waves breaking over the bow, we didn’t have the ison glass in.
On Sunday Bill and his Dad flew down to Cape May. I picked them up from the airport and we headed straight to the boat. We probably didn’t leave the slip until about 10:00 AM. Based on a decent report I got from Capt Dave M. (he had four keepers on Saturday) we decided to run up the bay. We stopped at the Sixty foot slough because there were quite a few boats around including several Party boats. We drifted there for about a half hour, but no luck. I decided to run up the bay to another spot Capt. Dave told me about. Bill and his Dad each caught a sand shark, Jim had short fluke, and a blue fish, and a little shark. I think I picked up a short and a blue fish. There were a lot of schools of little snapper blue fish around. We moved to a few other spots and right by the Buoy Capt. Dave told us about Bill picked up a barely legal, 16 ¾ inch keeper fluke, right near the shipping channel. I think we had five shorts and one keeper through out the day.

The wake from some of the ships were getting a little narly, and the south west wind was starting to create some white caps on the bay, so we decided to call it a day at around 2:20 PM. The winds were killing us on the way back in, I could only run around 13 knots. I could have run faster and beat the crap out of the boat. We decided to put the ison glass back in for this trip home. The trip back to the marina took us over an hour, and I lost three fillings.
We cleaned the fish; Jim cleaned the boat, even though the rookie should have done it. I gave Bill and his Dad a ride back to the airport and they flew home.
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