Monday, June 27, 2011

Cape May Fishing Report June 24th and 25th, 2011

I took Friday off and headed down to Cape May. I probably didn’t leave the slip until about 10:00 AM. Since there was a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast I decided not to run too far. I headed out towards the 9 and 10 buoys in the Delaware Bay. The water temperature was in the 71-73 degree range. Jim from Jim’s Bait and Tackle said they were still getting good reports from further up the bay. I should have listened to that advice because all I caught were skates and sharks. I moved over to Founder Alley and didn’t do any better. I was back in the slip by 2:00.

I met Capt Randy at the dock. I cleaned the boat up, and then we headed over to the Harbor View. After the Harbor View we headed over to the Beach Creek Oyster Bar in Wildwood. It’s right on the water. We had some beers and oysters out on the deck. I liked the place.

On Saturday Capt Randy took us out for the first fishing expedition of the year for “Just One More”. We left the slip around 8:30 and headed out towards the Wildwood reef. The seas were pretty calm just some swells. We weren’t doing much at the reef; Dave caught a couple skates that was it. I wasn’t feeling well, but I took a Dramamine while we were out there and it finally started to kick in, preventing the dreaded chumming incident. We decided to make the run back to the Delaware Bay. Capt. Randy decided to head towards the number 10 buoy. The results were about the same as I had on the previous day. We didn’t have any action. We did see a big sea turtle popping his head out of the water every couple of minutes. We also saw quite a few pods of rays. I can tell one thing we didn’t see…. a flounder. Then we moved to just north of the Brandy Wine light, where we didn’t catch a thing.


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