Cape May Fishing Report July 23rd, 2011
After waiting around to find out what everyone’s plans were I finally left the slip at 7:45AM. I was heading to the Cape May Reef. As I approached the end of the inlet there was a pretty thick fog. I only went a short distance and turned around. I fished in the Harbor for about a half hour while I waited for the fog to lift. At 8:45 I was heading back out the inlet. The fog had pushed out, but I still ran into some fog. I turned the radar on and kept going.
I headed back to the same general area I was last week. The first fish I caught was a 19 inch fluke. Then I didn’t catch anything for a while, I did mange to break off about 10 different fluke rigs on various snags.
I caught this fluke, which was kind of unusual. His tail had been bitten off. So he was really short.

I filled the boat up with gas. I burned 18 gallons on this trip, which was about the same as last weeks trip to the Cape May reef. I put the boat back in the slip, and then posed for this picture.

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