Monday, May 28, 2012

What’s wrong with this Picture 5/28/2012

So here it is Memorial Day weekend 2012 and the Bree Zee Lee Yacht Basin opens for the season around mid April. Inquiring minds may be wondering why there haven’t been any blog updates since last year. Well take a look at this picture; what doesn’t belong in this picture? Here’s a hint it's white and sitting on a trailer.
As you can see Offshore Bites is still in my driveway. I took this picture on Monday; we looped by the house on our return flight from Indianapolis. The boat is prepped for the season, except for the welding needed on the anchor light mast. I had hoped to have the boat in the slip by now.

This past weekend Bill and I flew his plane out to Indianapolis for the Indy 500, so I lost another weekend. It was a good weekend; the weather was good for the most part. We flew out on Saturday.
It was a little on the hot side on Sunday, which was race day. By 1:00 PM our seats, which are right in the apex of Turn-1, were in the shade. The shade provided some relief from the scorching temperatures. The mountains on my can wouldn’t stay blue for too long once I pulled one out of the cooler.
We flew back early on Sunday. It only took about 4 hours to fly back to NJ, and that was with a fuel stop along the way. Hopefully I’ll get the boat down to Cape May next weekend