Two Fishing reports from the Tiramisu- First Fish of the Year
April 23, 2006 - Chuck and me fished yesterday but did not have any luck. We were back at the same place we were last Saturday. It started to get real windy and dark so we headed for the dock. Right after we left the bite turned on and the boats that were there did real good. Hope to see you next weekend. If the weather is good we will probably fish just Saturday.
April 14, 2006 - We took the Tiramisu out for a shake down run. We fished the rips a little bit on Good Friday but we were mainly interested in how the new motor ran. Saturday Chuck and I got up early and ran up the bay looking for the striped ones. We made it to Tussys and had some good marks, so we dropped the hook. It didn't take long and Chuck was fighting the first Striper of the year. We landed that fish which was only 29 1/2 inches. Not too long Chuck had another one. That fish was 29 inches. Then the dog fish moved in so picked up the hook and went over to the dark side. Not much doing so we headed for the dock.